Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dierks Bentley Concert!

hey y'all!

So if you have been on my facebook page/twitter, you would have seen what happened to me last Friday night!..

From the beginning...Downstream casino is a client of mine at work.  They were so wonderful, and gave me tickets to the Dierks Bentley Concert last Friday night. Karrie & Michelle went with me.  Before we left, I was joking about how I was going to make my way on stage and sing with him! So before we left, I had my graphic designer at work, Jennifer, make me an 8x10 cardstock sign that said..."Dierks, I want to sing with you! Love, your #1 girl."

We had close to the stage tickets and whenever we got to the concert (a tad bit late), a bunch of people noticed that I had a sign and pushed me to the guard rail that was about 3 feet away from the stage but as close as you could get.

Dierks noticed my sign and pointed at it first.  THEN, he looks at me and says, "Do you know the words to the song?" I look at him and said yes! Then all of these security guards came around me and Dierks walked over to me.  I thought that he was just going to put his microphone down and have me sing into it. NOPE...he pulled me up on stage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH!

Well....(because I am NOT computer savvy, here is a link to the video)
Me Singing with Dierks!

-As you can see, I sang with him for about 4 minutes! AND I made up my own words on the spot, and I undressed his shirt on stage!!!

SO...after the concert, HE TWEETED A PICTURE ABOUT ME.....

It was such a fun night!!!! Too bad he didn't ask me to run away with him or join the band or something.  hahaha! It was definitely a night I WILL NOT FORGET!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Grilled Zucchini Pizza!

Grilled Zucchini Pizza Slices

Tonight, I made an AMAZING dinner! I literally could not get enough! Ben even praised it over and over again! I made Grilled Zucchini Pizza. I have been trying so hard to stay away from bread (carbs) and so I ran into this recipe and it is BETTER than regular pepperoni pizza.  Here is the recipe:
Cut slices of zucchini about 3/4 inch thick, then brush both sides lightly with olive oil.

Grill the zucchini slices on one side for about 7-8 minutes, or until there are some grill marks and the zucchini is starting to get tender.

Put about 1 spoonful of pizza sauce on each of the zucchinis.  THEN, add cheese, and any other toppings! I added Pepperonis and Mushrooms.
Place back on the grill for about 8 minutes (or the oven).  Just make sure that the cheese is melted and your toppings are done.

I'm Back!

I'm back!....

Well, looking back, it has been quite a few months since blogging! I have had a few people tell me to start back, (Kati B for one*), so I am ready to start back.

What has been going on...
1. I graduated COLLEGE!!!!
2. I now work for CitiScapes Magazine! 
3. I moved into my own townhome!
4. I have been to 9 concerts since the last blog!
5. I have started working out almost everyday with Karrie&Michelle!
6. Ben & I traveled a lot!!!
7. I got an IPHONE!
8. I spent most weekends at the lake!
9. I have started drinking twice as much wine as I did before (THAT'S ALOT!)
10. I've been loving life and I have never been as happy as I am right now!

4. COOKING!! (Can't wait to share all of my recipes!)

I promise to blog more often! Hopefully EVERYDAY!!! I have so many great things that I have on my list to tell you all about! 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

So excited for the ROYAL WEDDING!!!

This video is HILARIOUS!!! Oh I can't wait for the Royal Wedding! :)

Exciting Things To Come...

So.. obviously, I have been WAY to busy to blog!, BUT I had an extra 30 minutes this morning and so I thought I would blog!! YAY

So I have lots of really exciting things about to happen in my life & I just can't wait!!!!!

1. Pagnozzi Charity Event next Friday night with Ben & another couple!
2. Ben & I are attending our first wedding together next weekend!!!!! YAY Ann     Wizer & Jordan Difani!
3. The start of moving into a new place May 1st!
4. GRADUATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. Starting a new big girl job May 16th! :)
6. First Bachelorette party in Memphis for Mallory! :)
7. LAKE every free weekend!!!
8. Throwing my first Bridal Shower for Mallory! :)
9. 22nd BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!
10. Mallory & Tom's Wedding Festivities & then THE WEDDING!
11. Did I mention LAKE?
12. Texas with Emily for Miss Texas as my dear friends Jordan wins! :)
13. JULY 4th @ the lake!!!!!!!!!
14. Ben & I weekend vacation to ST. LOUIS for the U2 concert!!!!!!!!!!!!
15. LAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!
16. A summer vacation for Ben & I in August! (not sure where yet!)
17. Ben & I celebrate 1 year together!!!!!! 

Wow! What great things these next couple of months have in store! I am so lucky to have great friends, family & man in my life!!!! God is so good to me!!!

Have a great week!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

New quote!/Church sermon really touched me...

I was really touched at Cross Church on Sunday.  

Let me first give some background---I have been stressed out about a lot of things here lately.  I am getting ready to graduate, I have so many assignments and tests coming up, I am trying to figure out what I am going to do whenever I graduate, I just started a workout called CrossFit & I am trying to work that in everyday, I work a couple of days during the week, and my laundry is adding up daily because I have no time.  I have a couple other personal things stressing me out as well & I have really just been about to scream with life in general.  I have been wondering when it would all pass.  I have tried so many different remedies such as extra coffee, 30 minutes extra sleep in the mornings, running to really good music, hot tea, when all along....I JUST NEEDED TO REALLY PRAY!

I have been feeling like God has just ignored me whenever I have been praying.  Of course, I hear him telling me, "Tressa, you need to be patient!" And this is just HARD! God knows that I am not one to just sit around and wait! That is so hard for me! 

On Sunday, Pastor Nick Floyd at Cross Church was talking about how everyone has something in their lives that they try to take care of themselves without letting God in on it.  Well God knows everything! And the point of the message was that we can't do everything on our own.  We need God! We need to take that thing in our life that is bothering us or that is wrong and turn upon God to help us with it.  Pastor Nick Floyd kept telling quoting verses where God kept saying "Put your trust in me and I will be with you."  Pastor Nick said a quote that has really helped me A LOT this week....


How true is this quote?? WOW! I really felt like God was really talking to me through Pastor Nick.  This week, anytime that I have felt really stressed out about something, I have just said this quote! I have learned this week that God is always there to listen to my prayers and I really just need to have patience! And wow, I have felt so much better! God has really taken all of the worry and stress from my heart this week and has just been telling me, "Tressa-have patience!"

Well, Well, Well....

I have never been so busy! I can't believe that I have gone so long without blogging! Well, I am going to make a point to really start back blogging again! It is coming to the end of the semester and every teacher is wanting a paper and a test all on the same day & everything else in life is just crazy busy too! I hope all my blogging friends are doing great & having a great week!