Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Present Frame!

This is such a cheap, great idea!

These are a great gift because they are so easy, fun, and CHEAP! The main ingredients are one unfinished wooden frame from Michael's ($1.00), a scrap of Christmas wrapping paper, a bow, and some craft paint.  

And one of my favorite things: MOD PODGE! There's not a thing in the world I haven't thought about Mod Podging. :)

And if you're like me, you already have most of this stuff around the house anyway! First paint the sides of the frame and the inside ledges. Don't worry about making it perfect! The front will all get covered up anyway. I used acrylic paint that's less than a dollar a bottle.

Roughly cut out the shape of the frame from the wrapping paper. You can see here that my cutting job was VERY rough. :) It doesn't matter though because we'll just file the excess away later.

Spread a very thing layer of Mod Podge on the frame and place the wrapping paper on top of it. Smooth away the bubbles and ripples that will apear as best you can. Let it dry for a bit and then take a sanding block (or in my case what was handy was an emory board) and file downward on the edges at a 45-degree angle. The paper will be sluffed right off and you'll have a perfectly-fitting design on your wood.

Paint another layer of Mod Podge over the wrapping paper. Doing it in this order helps lessen the ripples and rumples in the paper. Print out a festive message to put inside the frame,

and hot glue a bow in the corner. That's it! A perfect little frame that looks like it could be a gift under your tree! These would be ideal for your friends to put their yearly family Christmas picture in!

**Now-You all are probably thinking..."Wow, Tressa! You are really creative!" Well...I can't take all the credit! I actually stole this idea from another blog! "Craftily Ever After" So props to that blog! BUT...I am going to get some really cute wrapping paper & make some of these! You can do one for any occasion! I am so excited!!!!***


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