Thursday, November 25, 2010

Some Pet Peeves!

So for the past couple of months, I have started writing down things that have become pet peeves or things that are so aggravating they just make you want to scream! We all have lots of them! Hopefully my list isn't too long....

-Drivers who don't use a turn signal.
-People who read out loud what they're typing in an email or letter.
-People who drink directly out of the milk/orange juice container.
-Couples who sit on the same side of the booth when there is no one on the other side. .
-People that don't use coasters.

-Noisy eaters.
-Students who prolong class by asking the most inane questions.
When people take 20 napkins, use one, then throw them all away.
-Going through the drive thru, then having to go back when they screw your order up.
-People walking around in ridiculous 'fashionable' shoes that are clearly hurting their feet.
-Roadmaps that aren't folded correctly.
-Finding a shoe and not finding its mate next to it
-Made up car names that are not even real words.
-People who are mean to animals.
-When a person makes a sucking noise with a straw when the cup becomes almost empty.
-People with bad table manners.
-People who read the paper while driving.
-People that interrupt you when your telling a story and then they continue to tell you their story and then ask you in an uninterested tone to continue on with your story when they are finished talking.
-Drivers who won't turn right on red.
-People who chat online (instant messaging) while I'm on the phone with them.
-Couples that own a dog together and call themselves mommy and daddy.
-When drivers bring their car to the wrong side of the gas pump.
-When you genuinely ask someone what's wrong (when there obviously is something wrong) and they respond half-heartedly, "hmmm? oh nothing..."
-People who ignore yield signs.
-Double negatives.
-Conspiracy theories.
-Being asked my telephone number/account number AFTER I already entered in using the keypad on my phone. I thought I was supposed enter that info to "better assist me".
-Not washing hands after using the bathroom.
-The noise people make when they rub their fingers on balloons.
-When someone uses the butter to put on their toast, and leaves crumbs in the container.
-People who don't perform their duties at work.
-Guys who leave the toilet seat up.
-Celebrities claiming to be environmentalists.
-Men who insist on sitting with their legs spread wide like they got something there.
-When ice cream drips out of the bottom of a sugar cone.
-Dirty keyboards.
-People who zig zag in and out of lanes on the highway.
-People who ride their bikes in the road when a sidewalk is right there.
-When people don't send thank you notes.
-When somebody tosses something toward a garbage can, like they think they're a basketball star, then leave it on the ground after they miss!
-People who take forever to order food while I'm in line.
-When you open the DVD case and it is empty or a different movie is in it.
-Car alarms that signal that they are on by honking.
-People who walk their dogs and let them poop indiscriminately (like on someone's lawn), and does not pick it up.
-The way people walk in flip flops.
-Someone standing over my shoulder reading the computer screen.
-People who write "Noone" instead of "No one".
-Explanations that begin with the word "Again".
-People who don't cover their mouth while sneezing or coughing.
-Dirty dishes in the sink.
-People who habitually need favors.
-How opening any cheap electronic item these days requires cutting up your finger with cheap impossible to open plastic molding covering.
-When you're eating candy and someone asks if they can have a red one.
-When you bite into a jelly bean and it's a different flavor than what you thought it was.
-Uncomfortable chairs.
-Jerks who take up 2 parking spaces.
-Films censored and cut (for length) to be put on television.
-When something I've been into for a long time becomes popular.
-People who overuse quotes from movies or TV.
-People who act like they're in their own living room at an event (concert, ballgame, play, movies or a restaurant).
-People who give their kids weird names
-People that don't list prices on websites, stores, and infomercials.
-The creepers at red lights. You know, those people that start inching forward in their cars slowly until the light turns green.
-People who clear their throats in a disgusting way.
-People that pop and smack their chewing gum.
-People who invite you out somewhere then cancel.
-Women who wear too much perfume.
-Relying on someone else to take a picture because I want to be in it, and it ends up coming out off-centered and out-of-focus.
-You know when you ask someone a simple, straightforward question and they spend ten solid minutes rambling on about everything in the world EXCEPT the answer to your simple, straightforward question? I hate that.
-When you order a salad at a restaurant and they bring it to you at the same time as your dinner.
-Children's hand prints on the windows in car.
-People who don't know the difference between its/it's and they're /their/there.
-When you can't tell if someone is male or female.
-Sick people who cough near you.
-People putting their feet out of car windows.

Ok that is my list! haha!

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