Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bachelor Final & AFR!

So last night was a night that millions of viewers have been waiting on for a long time...Was Reality Steve going to be correct with his first prediction of Chantal or with his second prediction of Emily? Well as we all know now, EMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My opinions....

I am first going to start with Brad--

-At the beginning, I really thought Brad was a hottie! Great smile, great body, great hair! What else would you want?? Oh wait...then we found out about his past.  VERY indecisive when it comes to love and a woman.  We know that last season he couldn't pick a girl and became an ass to every woman in America.  Then ABC decides to give him a chance.  After the first 2 shows of this season, I was so sick of hearing him say, "I am truly here for the right reasons!..." BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!! I bet he said this line over a million times! Then throughout the season we also discovered his anger problem.  Emily touched base on this a little last night as well.  WHO WANTS A MAN WITH AN ANGER PROBLEM???? Not me! OR anyone else in the world! Maybe instead of going to a therapist for love, maybe he should go to one for ANGER MANAGEMENT! 

-I kinda thought that Brad was a little bit awkward too.  With every girl, he seemed to have told them the same things over and over.  I felt like he seemed a little desperate.  He had 25 girls that wanted him, I felt like he needed to step back just a little bit.  He was a little over the top.  It just got weird and awkward when he was with girls toward the end.

-I just love her! She truly is a genuinely great girl!  I always wanted her to win from the beginning! She is a guys dream girl! But my favorite thing about her is that she is a LADY! She is very classy and always true to herself! I think that is why she won in the end.  

-Who wouldn't want a girl like Emily?

-As far as the final date & after the rose!---I felt like the final date, she was a little pushy and needed to chill out.  She kept asking him basically the same questions over and over again.  I understand that her daughter means the world to her & Brad needs to understand that.  BUT--She asked him.."If my daughter falls and bust her little head open and we have to rush her to the emergency room, are you going to be there to go too?" WELL DUH EMILY!!!! Do you think that he is just going to sit there and laugh and say "see y'all later!" "Have fun!"...NO!!!!! Of course he is going to be there.  It was like she was talking to him like he was under her and like he was an idiot.  Of course he was going to get a little upset! (But he was getting too mad! That is once again, his anger problem!)

-I also thought that she was a little mean last night.  She kept turning to him telling him that she loved him but then trash talking him! 

The one thing that really bothered me about last night was that she Emily was upset after every Monday night.  I just feel like this is something that she should have known was coming.  Did she expect Brad to be rude and stand offish from the other girls and only on to her?? NO! When Emily signed up for the Bachelor, she knew that she was not the only girl.  She was 1 of 25.  She was going to be dating a man who was also dating 24 other girls! I can understand it being hard to watch but that was just going to be part of it.  She won him in the end! Not any other girl.

I really hope that Brad & Emily make it! I am not sure that they will, but if they can really work at it, I think they would be great! :)


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring Cleaning!

So I am really excited about Spring Break being next week! What am I doing you may ask?? CLEANING OUT MY LIFE! 

I have been making a schedule for the week of what I want to accomplish each day! 

Sunday-Laundry (I think I have about 6 loads to do!)
Monday-ATTEMPT to put all of my laundry away! (Closet is BUSTING right now!)
Tuesday- CLEAN! DEEEEEEP clean my room & bathroom.  I may have a really messy room and closet right now, but somehow, I have been cleaning around it all.
Wednesday-Go through my closet of a million clothes.  My motto is going to be.."If I haven't worn it/If I haven't seen this article of clothing in at least 3 months....PLATOS CLOSET!!!!"
Thursday-Take all of the bags of clothes to Plato's Closet for $$$$$$$$.
Friday-RELAX! I am off work and I can do NOTHING!!!!

**The best part about my week is that Ben is going to South Carolina & my roommate is going to Cabot! I have no one distracting me from getting this done!** (But I will miss both of them so much!)

After this next week, I will feel clean, productive, organized and FREE of clutter!

*I will post before and after pictures!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Out of a bag!

Do you ever wish that you could just eat anything and it never affect your your body image? And why is it, that the best food is the worst food?? I have found, that the BEST food/WORST food is out of a bag....

Cheese is probably the BEST thing in the world to eat out of the bag! But of course, SO BAD!
This is my new obsession...just chocolate chips out of the bag! Just a little NOT healthy snack! Oh they are so good!
I could eat the ENTIRE bag at once of Nacho Cheese Doritos! These are the BEST & I just love licking off the cheese from my fingers after! But so bad!
Now, I know that nuts are healthy to an extent, but that is my problem! I would eat the ENTIRE bag of these cashews! Yummmmy!

Ben introduced me to these around Christmas time! BEST M&MS EVER! These are like heaven in a bite! So good!

Wouldn't it be so nice to be able to eat all of this anytime?? This is what I would eat all day everyday! 

What are some other things out of the bag that you could eat all day everyday??

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Busy Bee!

I have been so busy the last 2 weeks! I was doing so good blogging everyday but so many things have taken over my life!!!!
I have been just a little stressed the last couple of days and really wanted to pull out my hair! BUT----

Coffee has helped me so much! I have been able to stay up really late finishing things that needed to get done & really, coffee has just helped me get through the days awake!

I have never had so much homework these last 2 weeks than I have EVER had in college! I guess this Senioritis that I have is really killing me inside & so it just feels like a lot of homework! Not to mention, I should be finishing a project right now that is due at noon! :)
But I promise after this week is over, I have so much fun stuff to blog about! 

Hope everyone is having a GREAT week!--