Monday, September 27, 2010

New week...New Life!

What a crazy week it was last week! I had 5 tests!!!!!!! I have to admit that I have SENIORITIS! And I reallllllly need to get rid of it! This is by far the hardest semester that I have ever had! I just have some ridiculous professors this semester.  I have one teacher who speaks so over everyone's (well maybe just mine) head that you basically just stare at her.  I have another professor who thinks that we (her students) are only taking her class and that is it.  She assigns us HUGE assignments after every class and they are always due next class! WHAT IS SHE THINKING! Anyways, it is time to really buckle down in school!

BAMA game--I was so sad that we lost Saturday.  I had a great time though! Some of my best friends from Little Rock, Katie Rayburn, Caitlin Church, Codi Smith & Nicole Clark, all came up and stayed with me and we had a blast!
We are so excited to all be going to DALLAS next weekend! :) It is going to be such a good time!
Saturday night, all of us girls went out to Dickson! We laughed and laughed all night and had a great time! Sunday morning, we all woke up and had brunch at Common Grounds and then they all had to get back to Little Rock :( I had the best weekend with those girls and I am so excited for Dallas!

Friday night, Amy Crain & Chase Feltner, Jennifer, Trent Turchi & I all went to Parkerpalooza! It was so much fun! The store that I work at, Riffraff, decorated the party and it looked FABULOUS! (Go K!) Erin & Jonathon Parker are the BEST party host ever! I was so upset that I forgot my camera Friday night, but I did take a couple of pictures with my camera!

I am really excited to have a low strung week ahead of me! I have one quiz this week and that is it! I do have to work a couple of days but I am going to enjoy my favorite things this week! I have already finished laundry and cleaning of my room and it is only MONDAY! Amy & I are going BOOT shopping tomorrow! Of course we don't already have any! haha! I am looking for a really cute pair of grey flat boots!

Oh and the best part about this week...the weekend...PARENTS COMING INTO TOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see my Momma & Daddy! I haven't been home in 2 months and so I am so excited about this weekend!

& I am going to make it a point to blog EVERY night this week! I have lots on my mind! :)

Have a lovely night!


Saturday, September 18, 2010


If you are my friend, you will help me (or just tell me) to STOP eating horrible food! Ok, I know without a doubt that I am NOT fat.  But, I am on that road if I don't stop eating everything I crave! And no, I am not fishing for compliments that I am skinny.  But the last 3 weeks, I have been TERRIBLE and it shows in my face! When I have these eating binges, I gain weight in my face first! And the bad thing about that, is that if you take a picture of just your face and someone else, you look chubby because your face is! Ahh! Anyways, just needing to rant!

---NO MORE...
1. Cookie Dough
2. French Fries
3. Chocolate
4. Cheese
6. Burgers
7. Pizza
8. Alcohol

Ok I am done...I just finished a Burger and Fries and a drink! It was good and it better last me because all this week, I am eating broccoli and running miles and miles!

Ok I am really done!

Have a great day! :)
I just wanted to rant!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Busy Week Ahead & Random Thoughts!

This week is CRRRRAAAZZZZZZZYYYYYYY for me! But I have a lot of exciting things going on at the end of the week!

I have 2 big assignments due and a HUGE test on Thursday!

TOMORROW IS MY BEST FRIEND'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AMY CRAIN TURNS 21 TOMORROW! I am so excited that this day is finally here! We are going to have so much fun!

Amy & I from my 21st!

At my 21st...Amy, Jennifer, Erin & Me! :)

Since we have a terrible test on Thursday, we have decided to celebrate Amy's birthday on Thursday night! :) Yay!

Friday morning I am flying out to Nashville! I am so excited and so honored to have been invited to sing at the Miss Tennessee International Pageant! The director, Phil Frazier, is the sweetest man that I know! I am singing two days in a row! I am beyond thrilled! I will be returning on Monday night! I am going to have such a good weekend! :)

I hope everyone has a good week as well! :)

GREAT weekend!

So this weekend I went to LITTLE ROCK! It was my first time to ever go out downtown.  I went with a group of friends and met my BFFFFFFF Katie Rayburn out! We had such a good time! We went to Ernie Bigs! I really wish that Fayetteville had a place like this! Piano Bar downstairs & a dance club upstairs! We migrated upstairs and danced the night away! :) Michael & John Edin were with us and they showed some girls how to dance! hahaa! There was a stage that you could dance on and there was a girl with us celebrating her 21st birthday! We all got on the little stage with her to dance for her birthday when all of a sudden, this foreign girl pushes me out of the way and I fall off the little stage! She kept threatening me with her facial expressions that I better not get back up there! I don't know if it was because maybe I am a bad dancer or if she just wanted to dance! haha! We have still been laughing about it ever sense! It was so much fun though! I ran into so many friends that I haven't seen in a REALLLLY long time!!!

Katie & I




SATURDAY was the GAME! I just tailgated in LR and didn't actually go into the game! It was a lot of fun though! I had a cute dress to wear to the game but I am a RETARD and spilt coffee down my dress so I had to wear jeans and a cute shirt that I had and IT WAS SOOOOO HOTTTTTT! I burned up! &&&& it was super humid! But the HOGS WON!!!!! But I was really sad to see that Georgia lost :(

Justin Wells & I

Cody Hammons & I tailgating!

SATURDAY NIGHT...we went out to HILLCREST! Hillcrest is a really low key social area! It was a lot of fun! I ended up meeting a lot of new people and hung out with a lot of friends! I ran into an old friend that I haven't seen in months, Shona Spencer! I was so excited that I ran into her and we caught up for a while! :) I just love you Shona!

Shona & I...a little sweaty! It was so hotttttt!

SUNDAY we drove back to Fayetteville! We made a couple of stops but made it back safe and sound!

SUNDAY NIGHT...well...I had a GREAT Sunday night! That's all I am saying about that! :) :) :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

LOTS to blog about!

As the title says..I have LOTS to blog about!

FIRST---I have a new friend on facebook that I am so excited about! I actually jumped up and down when my Notification said "Ty Brown has accepted your friend request."!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! And yes, it is his REAL facebook page! Most of the hype has gone down for him since Bachelorrette....(I know this from creeping on him! lol) But here is my problem now!....I am going to Nashville next weekend (where he lives) and I really would like to try to meet him! BUT HOW??? My mom is so crazy and keeps telling me to just message him and say "hey, lets meet up!" I don't think so MOM! It's already creepy enough that I want to message him anyways! I don't know what to do! I want to meet him so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT TO DO! Should I message him? No, Yes? Or just leave my dream boy alone?

Ty Brown

SECOND---I am a RELIGIOUS Big Brother fan! I watch allllllll episodes! My friend Britney Haynes has been AMAZING! But unfortunately, she was evicted last night :( But I must say that I am SO PROUD of her! She fought so hard until the end! Way to go Brit on getting to the FINAL 4! You go girl! Love you!!! I feel so bad that poor Brit has to go to the house and live with RACHEL! AHHH gross! I feel for her!

But..My thoughts on BIG BROTHER....I think Lane is so funny! Last night, he said that when Britney was sad, it was like "one of his good dogs died!" hahahahaha! I loved it! I am an ENZO fan! Hayden is toooo perfect for me! He is gorgeous but I think he really feels like he has already won! I am hoping ENZO wins! I can't wait to find out TONIGHT who is the new H.O.H!!!!!

THIRD---I must say GO SAINTS! Saints are playing the Vikings tonight and I am allllllll about some DREW BREEEEEEESSSSS! So GO SAINTS!!!!

Have a lovely day!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

ABC's "Bachelor Pad"

This show just gets me here we go!

So we have Jesse Kovacs & Elizabeth.....Tenley & Kiptyn....& Natalie & David left after this week! But this week's episode was just CRAZY!

First...I must say...Jesse B & Peyton should NOT have been voted off! Peyton was totally stabbed in the back by Natalie & Tenley! Strategically, they should not have gone home.  It is going to be a tough battle now!

Second...DON'T GET ME STARTED ON ELIZABETH! AHH! Geez!...First, she needs her hair colored bad by a hair dresser and not her box that she uses at home! Her hair is ORANGE! When she was on the Bachelor season 14, she had brown hair and it was beautiful! Who told her to attempt to go blonde? And why did she listen? Just like she did in the Bachelor, she is such a tease! This week she just drove me crazy when her and Kovacs went to the "fantasy suit!" I just had to rewind it 4 times to laugh! She basically has "fun" with Kovacs, and then tries to say that really all it was, was him getting "laid!" and that he doesn't try to go out of his way to do ROMANTIC things with her!!! HELLLLLO ELIZABETH....he snuck into the fantasy suit with you and brought wine! What is that to you??? He has been so sweet to you this entire time and you say stuff like that! What are you thinking Elizabeth! I just really hope that you go home and watch yourself and realize that you are CRAZY! I really wish that she would go home! Kovacs is great...He can stay!

Elizabeth BEFORE && AFTER ON HAIR....

I am a dark hair fan!!!!!!!!!!!

Third...I love me some Kiptyn! I thought about going after him, but I read in a magazine that he is still dating Tenley! BUMMER!...they really are a cute little couple though! And I really do like Tenley! She seems super sweet! Sometimes the squeaky voice gets me but I do really like her!

Fourth...David is SEXY! Waoooo! I like him! I would have LOVED to have rode in the yellow car with him! Natalie is cute but she is on her SECOND guy in the house...And she is already saying that David is "everything that she has ever wanted in a guy!" do you know? You just started "dating" (or whatever they are) like 3 days ago! I just really have mixed emotions about Natalie! She def. stabbed Peyton in the back with week though!

In my opinion...Next week, Elizabeth and Kovacs will go home! Thank goodness!

Now-----I have already read "Reality Steve" so I do know who wins! :)

But, as most of my friends know, I am still on the road to find Ty! Alli didn't pick him because OBVIOUSLY, he is meant to be with me! He lives in Nashville and I am going to Nashville in 2 weeks! SO.....YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS! I am on the hunt for TY!!!!!
--So this is what we both would look like next to one another....

Ok, i'll stop right there! haha! Oh the road to Ty....

Anyways, off to bed! Remember your prayers tonight before bed! Goodnight my friends! :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Woo Pig Sooie!

Saturday was so much fun! Tons of people came out to our tailgate party! My family and I tailgate in the pit and we have so much fun! We catered in Chickfila and it was a HUGE success! My guy friends loved it all! I was so excited that I was able to run into some old friends at the game too! As mostly everyone knows, the Hogs won! It was such an exciting day!

After the game--TRAFFIC WAS TERRIBLE! It took me about an hour and a half to get to my apartment which is 4 miles away! AHH! But all worth it when you win the game and you have John Mayer on in your car! :)

John Mayer!

Wow! John Mayer was by far the best concert that I have EVER been to! And if you know me, I am a concert junky! Everything about John Mayer is amazing though! Ever since his concert, my car and my itunes has stayed on John Mayer.  The funny thing about his songs, is that they NEVER get old! He is just tooooo amazing! And he can def. pull off the sleeve tattoo! Mmmm... John Mayer!

Oh && of my good friends, Alex Sorrell, was able to go backstage and MEEEEET John! She is the luckiest girl in the entire world! I have stolen this picture off of her facebook to show! Ahh Alex I envy you girl!