Thursday, December 9, 2010

Library @ 2 AM!

So--it is obvious that if I am in front of a computer with internet, I am NOT going to study! I have been working on my Synthesis paper for Argumentation since 10:30 in the library and have yet to finished it! Facebook, Ebay, Craigslist, Blogger, & has so much more to study! So I am such a people watcher!!! I love being in the library and watching people like a creeper! Yes-if you are in the library on a computer right now, I see you! hahahahahaha!

So here is what I have found:
-a guy next to me has facebook on half of the screen and a powerpoint on the other half.
-the guy behind me has 3 red bull cans on his cubbie hole all open.
-the girl next to me has 2 cups of coffee.
-a girl across the room is on ebay.
-a guy over the way is making note cards but has facebook on his computer.
- A GIRL IS PAINTING HER FINGER NAILS!!! Gotta look good for that test tomorrow! :)
-A guy is trying to do Math across the room but he can't quite figure it out.
-A girl is asking a guy why the printer is out of he really knows!
-Oh I just saw a girl that I haven't seen in a while! Hello Abby!
-A girl is bringing in Taco Bell right now!!! (That a girl!!!!)
-A police officer is walking around...I mean come on-are we really going to steal a book?? a computer?? come on U of A!

Well--I think I have been creepy enough!!!!! Here is a picture of my cubby hole and my notes! :) Notice blogger is on the screen! Nothing school related! At 2 AM! :)

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