Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Children & Heaven

As many of you know, I have a true love for children.  I am an avid babysitter to many families and I have a special place in my heart for a few little ones.  To me, children are a GIFT from God.  Yes-a gift! By a gift, I mean, they bring us joy, laughter and hope.  There is one child in particular that I am very attached to that always makes me feel so good when I am around her.  She constantly makes me laugh and just lets me breathe from anything that is going on in the "real world."  Children give people hope.  They can always cheer you up to where you know that life is really going to be ok.  I am so attached to some of my babies that I honestly do not know what I would ever do without them.  AND I am only a babysitter! Not even a mother with my own child yet!

Point of this post----->

This past weekend, a precious 7 year old boy from my hometown, Marshall Arkansas, passed away.  Him and his father had a car accident and upon arriving at the hospital, he was put on life support and soon died.  This little boy was an only child to a young set of parents.  This child was a funny, loving little boy.  His parents were so attached to him.  He had a great family with so many people who were so attached to him.   He brought joy, love, compassion, hope and so much more to everyone that he came in contact with.  He was such a Razorback fan! For the past 2 football seasons, he would always sit in front of me during a couple of games.  I was even really lucky one game to have him sit in my lap and then one time take him to the concession stand.  Ben Warren was just precious.  But why him??? 

This is not the first time that we have experienced a young child's death.  Why does this happen?? I do believe that God has a master plan.  The conclusion that I have come up with is this...

God has his master plan.  At the time, we will never understand it.  God sends children down to be angels for people.  I know that this little 7 year old touched my life as many others as well.  God has special jobs in heaven that he needs little ones for.  Although it is painful for his family and they do not understand and probably never will, God will never give you too much that you can't handle. Everything happens for a reason.  As cliche is that is, it is so true.  God works in the most mysterious ways but all for good.  

Tonight, I pray that God will give the Warren family peace at heart and understanding.  This is something that is a nightmare to any young family.  But like I previously said, God will never give someone more than they can handle.

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