Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What lifts my spirits!

So my roommate & I signed up with our church to distribute 55 brochures to homes in Fayetteville to get the word of God out to the people of Fayetteville.  We were assigned a couple of small neighborhoods.  Jen and I turned the heat on as high as it would go and as hot as it would turn up to and we drove around with the passenger side window down and Jen places each brochure in mail boxes! We had so much fun! I learned that I will never be a good mailman because I am terrible at driving up close to a mailbox! HAHA!

Jen & I had the radio blasting to our FAVORITE radio station "K-Love."  I had told Jen that this entire week so far, I have kept it on that radio station and had not flipped AT ALL to another station.  She got so excited in the car because she had been doing the same thing! We started talking about how the Christian radio station really lifts your spirits when you listen to it.  Singing in the car to the Lord is a form of worship! So Jen & I are proud to say that we have had an on going worship service in our cars ever day this week!

Some of our favorites that really lifts our spirits are:

Chris Tomlin- How Great is Our God
Chris Tomlin- Holy is the Lord
Aaron Shust- My Savior My God
Casting Crowns- Who am I
Matt Redman- You Never Let Go
Chris Tomlin- Everlasting God
The David Crowder Band- No One Like You
Mercy Me- Finally Home
John Mark McMillian- How He Loves
Jim Brickman- Amazing Grace! (FAVORITE!!!!)


  1. Tressa, I love reading your blog!! This one made me smile. :)

  2. Thanks Jordan! I love reading your blog!!!! Miss ya & love ya!
