Friday, February 18, 2011

Most AWKWARD thing in my life right now!


To graduate from the University of Arkansas in the Fulbright College of Arts & Sciences (which is Communications), you must take 6 hours of Fine Arts! For my first 3 hours, I took Music Lecture which was a joke! I think that my final grade in the class was a 98! There is not a whole lot of classes to pick from whenever you need your next 3 hours of fine arts! So--someone suggested "Modern Dance" to me.  They said that it was a really easy class & all you did was learn the basics of dancing.  So of course, the class was already full whenever I went to sign up for the class.  I emailed the teacher & she said that she would give me an over-ride to her "Modern Dance 2" class.  She then asked me if I had any dance experience because it was required.  I told her NOOOOO! I have NEVER taken a dance class EVER! And--I was a cheerleader in middle school and high school BUT I was awful! As you can see in this picture....
Yes-That is me right in the middle! 
So the instructor STILL gave me an over-ride into this class! So the very first day of class, she gave us the syllabus and told all of us that we had to dress out everyday of class! I thought that sounded GREAT...until she gave us the instructions for how we HAD to dress out.....
Oh yes! This is how we must dress every Tuesday & Thursday!!!! So crazy!!! 

Well--that is NOT even the WORST part of it! So the first day that we all dressed out, every person had on these little shoe things right under their toes.  Well I didn't! I have never danced before! So the instructor then told all of us to get in the corner and sachet leap all the way to the other corner! We did that for about 10 minutes! UMM WHAT IS A SACHET LEAP????????? Well, I found out REALLY quick! And of course, the teacher has to STOP the class to CORRECT ME! After about 5 times of COMPLETELY stopping the class to fix ME, the other "dancers" were starting to get frustrated.  People kept asking me, "Where did you take dance at growing up?" UMM--NO WHERE! 

So then--the instructor told us that at Mid-term we would have a test.  The test is over a dance.  We will learn a REALLY long ballet/modern dance and then perform it to the teacher and we get a grade! Well I might as well just not show up for that class day because I think that a 40% and a 0% is around the same! ALLLLLL just a big fat "F"! I am NEVER going to be able to pass this class!

So after going home and CRYING after about 4 classes, I decided to talk to the teacher.  She said that she could tell that I was struggling.  She just couldn't believe that she allowed me to take this class!!!  

I really would like CBS or ABC or some news station to come and do a show on me in this class.  The ratings would be SKY HIGH because of how comical it would be! So if anyone knows someone who knows someone who knows someone....let them know!!!! 

I'm off to practice my new dance that I HAVE to know! Yippee....


  1. this seriously made me laugh out loud!! haha! good luck!

  2. hilarious! Just found your blog! Love it so far!
